OpenPlant Isometrics Manager Help

Generate an Isometric

To Generate a finished isometric drawing:

  1. Select an isosheet(s) from the IsoSheet Grid.
    Note: Multiple isosheets can be selected and processed into isometrics simultaneously.
    The selected isosheet(s) display in the Isometric Generator section.
  2. Click the Start button.
  3. (Optional) If a successfully generated isometric remains in the grid when you Start the generation process the following message displays:
  4. Click Yes or No to continue to generate the isometric(s). Upon completion, a message stating "Isometric generated successfully" is displayed and a check mark is placed next to successfully generated isometric.
  5. To view an isometric, on the completed isometric select right-click > Show Isometric from the context-menu. The OpenPlant Isometric application is opened and the new isometric drawing is loaded.